A letter from the Primary Teachers Union seeking time to the Government to hold a meeting with the Government for the pending issues of the teachers.
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Matter of allotting time-date for conducting meeting-meeting regarding primary education and pending issues of teachers.
Open the link below to read the full letter.
State Primary Teachers Union's letter to Govt Dated 07/09/2022.
List of outstanding questions.
(1) C.C.C during Corona period. As the examination was not conducted, the C.C.C. The matter of extending the examination period to 31-12-2024 from the original date.
(2) Regarding inclusion of teaching assistants recruited before 27-4-2011 in regular pay against retirement.
(3) By giving the benefit of consecutive seniority to the women teachers, the U.P. Maternity leave which is counted consecutively is excluded while sanctioning.
(iv) Increase in Contingency Rates and provision of Pay Center and Administrative Maintenance Grant separately.
(5) The matter of giving the benefit of the examination to the primary teachers who qualify in the departmental examination for Class-II
(6) The matter of filling up the posts of clerks in Taluka level offices.
(7) 3.5 Sevapothi should be verified at the district level or Sevapothi to be sent to Gandhinagar.
Matter to increase the number.
(8) Regarding the transfer camp of all teachers/head teachers
(9) Allotment of new computer labs to schools from which computer labs have been taken back.
(10) Matter of allocation of separate grant for repair of Gyankunj project (11) Matter of reconsideration of unit test
(12) HTAT (M.Sc.) O.P. (13) IITAT (M.Sc.) to be considered in the academic cadre for the benefit of the session as well as the M.Sc. Matter of receiving allowance
(14) Matter of grant of one additional allowance to promoted HTAT (M.S.).
(15) Matter of giving benefit of original feeder cadre (back) to HTAT (M.Sc.).
(16) During the trial period Pvt. After being promoted to HTAT from a teacher, Pvt. The matter of giving benefits to the teachers in the teacher as consecutive service.