Epidemic / There is still talk of a third wave in India, there was a fourth wave of corona
The fourth wave of Corona has started in Pakistan. The Imran government has increased vaccinations as the number of cases has tripled in the last three weeks.

Government officials, taxpayers, parents, and business leaders are demanding curricular and administrative reform to relieve pressures arising from budget woes, competing public desires, a rapidly changing workplace and marketplace, and declining student achievement on social science subjects ranging from geography and history to civics and world affairs. Many communities and educators want teachers to address violence, poverty, inequalities, and intolerance in schools and society. Community leaders and business leaders want schools to foster skills that students can take to their future careers. Indeed, business communities in several states are founding and funding alliances between state governments, business, and industry. Business executives and government officials want schools to improve students' skills in order to reduce welfare burdens and to improve individuals' ability to contribute productively to the national economy and corporate competitiveness.
What are the advantages of PBL?
Six sets of criteria offer reasons for considering PBL as an augment to one's standard teaching repertoire.
The most successful people strive to embody a growth mindset — a mindset that embodies the idea that we can always be better, that we should be constantly learning. But to help us achieve our goals in life and at work, learning must be purposeful.
The fourth wave of Corona began in Pakistan
The number of cases has tripled in the last three weeks
Cases of opening business and tourist destinations increased
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Appeal to Imran government to impose lockdown
Pakistani health experts have called on the Imran government to impose a lockdown so that the festival of Goat Eid ends peacefully. The transition may increase as a large number of people gather on this day for prayers and other activities.